Unintended Muse – Kalimba Chords/Tabs

Untuk melihat susunan angka not angka / chord kalimba bisa lihat di gambar atas atau yang saya ketik di bawah ya guys!! kalian samakan sajaaa yaa!! selamat mencoba ya hehe... semangat. berikut dibawah ini adalah not angka kalimba lagu band / pop barat yang trending dan mudah dimainkan untuk dihafal. 

Catt: gak hanya ini saja masih banyak not not angka lainnya klik Not Kalimba untuk melihat semuanya!!

Letter: C D E F G A B
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Silahkan scrool kebawah untuk  (number / notes). Kalimba Tabs Letter, Number Notes, Lyrics, Chord, Notes Easy.

Unintended Muse – Kalimba Chords/Tabs

5 6 3° 7 1° 7 6 5 4
You could be my unintended choice
6 2° 6 7 6 5 4
to live my life extended
3 5 1° 3° 2° 1° 7 6 5
You could be the one I’ll always love
5 6 3° 7 1° 7 6 5 4
You could be the one who listens to
6 2° 6 7 6 5 4
my deepest inquisitions
3 5 1° 3° 2° 1° 7 6 5
You could be the one I’ll always love

6° 6° 6° 3° 1°° 7° 6° 5°
I’ll be there as soon as I can
4° 4° 4° 2° 1°° 7° 6° 5°
But I’m busy mending broken
3° 3° 3° 3° 2° 7 1°° 7° 7°
pieces of the life I had before

5 7 3° 7 1° 7 6 5 4
First there was the one who challenged all
6 2° 6 7 6 5 4
my dreams and all my balance
3 5 1° 3° 2° 1° 7 6 5
She could never be as good as you

5 6 3° 7 1° 7 6 5 4
You could be my unintended choice
6 2° 6 7 6 5 4
to live my life extended
3 5 1° 3° 2° 1° 7 6 5
You should be the one I’ll always love

6° 6° 6° 3° 1°° 7° 6° 5°
I’ll be there as soon as I can
4° 4° 4° 2° 1°° 7° 6° 5°
But I’m busy mending broken
3° 3° 3° 3° 2° 7 1°° 7° 7°
pieces of the life I had before

6° 6° 6° 3° 1°° 7° 6° 5°
I’ll be there as soon as I can
4° 4° 4° 2° 1°° 7° 6° 5°
But I’m busy mending broken
3° 3° 3° 3° 2° 7 1°° 7° 7°
pieces of the life I had before
2° 1° 6
Before you…